Uncle@AWS | 曾昭昶
Tsang Chiu Chong is a Graffiti artist/graphic designer/founder of AfterWorkShop / “Wallskar” international street art exchange platform’s ambassador. He started graffiti in 2000 and named himself “Uncle”. He was the earliest iconic figure in the graffiti industry. Uncle was seriously injured from a car accident in February 2021 and have been dealing with a life and death situation for 8 months. The first comeback is the cyberpunk Bruce Lee held by DDHK. After that, he continued to create with limited physical ability. Uncle’s street creations can be found in many places in Hong Kong, such as Tsuen Wan Nan Fung Spinning Factory, Lai Kok Shopping Centre, Sham Shui Po Tung Chau Street Temporary Market, shops and restaurants, etc. In addition, he also cooperates with different organizations and is the workshop tutor in different local schools.
曾昭昶, 塗鴉藝術家 / 平面設計師 / AfterWorkShop 香港塗鴉工作室創辦人 / Wallskar國際街頭藝術交流平台創辦人。2000年開始接觸 graffiti (塗鴉),取名為 Uncle,是塗鴉圈最早期的標誌性人物之一。熟悉不同類型的塗鴉風格,並專門研究中文字體塗鴉,希望把西方文化在東方蘊釀出嶄新的元素。2020年2月發生了嚴重交通意外,徘徊生死邊緣。休養大半年後,於10月復出,首個復出作品為DDHK舉辦的Cyberpunk李小龍。及後在有限體能下一直不斷保持創作至今。Uncle的街頭創作見於香港多處地區,如荃灣南豐紗廠、麗閣商場、深水埗通州街臨時街市對出、各區商店食肆等。他亦經常與不同機構合作及到學校進行分享及教學,傳承街頭塗鴉文化。
Selected Exhibitions | 重要展覽
Since 2006 started graffiti culture exchange in different countries all over the world. |
2009 He won the national championship at the "Wall Lords" Asian Graffiti Contest, representing China in the Shanghai World Expo in other countries such as Japan, South Korea, Singapore, and Thailand. |
於「戰牆」(Wall Lords) 亞洲塗鴉大賽獲得全國冠軍,代表中國於上海世博會出戰其他國家如日本、韓國、新加坡及泰國等。
2009 He established AfterWorkShop (AWS) to promote Hong Kong graffiti culture. |
創立跨地塗鴉組織AfterWorkShop (簡稱AWS) 香港塗鴉工作室,致力推廣香港塗鴉文化。
2013 He was invited to participate in the world's first Bruce Lee outdoor graffiti exhibition |獲邀參加全球首個李小龍畫展戶外塗鴉展覽。
2015 He was invited to Manchester, UK for the graffiti exchange and exhibition. |獲邀到英國曼徹斯特作中英塗鴉交流及展覽。
2016 He was invited by the Hong Kong government to shoot a promotional video for the "Hong Kong Creative City". |
2017 He has joined the program in Luowen Village, Nan County, Yiyang City, Hunan Province, China, the local government co-organized the country's largest international graffiti festival and made the village an international graffiti village. |
2018 was established the graffiti museum and cooperated with Chelsea Football School, PMQ, " Locus Publishing ", Taiwan, etc; He was invited to serve as the graffiti art director of the Hong Kong movie “The Way We Keep Dancing”. |
2019 He was invited to cooperate with basketball icon, Michael Jordan. He was invited to participate in the Asia art and design exhibition in Osaka, Japan. |獲邀與籃球巨星Michael Jordan的Jordan Brand合作及獲邀到日本大阪參加 Unknown Asia藝術設計展。
2020 after the accident, created Cyberpunk Bruce Lee was held by DDHK. At the end of the same year, it began to cooperate with the international luxury fashion brand, Balenciaga. |意外後持續創作,首個復出作品為DDHK舉辦的 Cyberpunk 李小龍。同年年底開始 與時尚品牌Balenciaga 合作。
2021 He participates in The Hacker Project of Balenciaga x Gucci. |參與Balenciaga x Gucci聯乘的 “The Hacker Project”。