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Photo 24-6-2021, 5 24 58 PM (1).jpg

Little Cloud & Fabio Tang 



Little Cloud has being as a host of travel programs from 2013 to 2019, Siuwan Tang has been to countries all over the world to experience their own cultural environments, along with numerous passionate photos being captured on every small detail. Not only does photography take an instant out of time, having frozen the treasurable moments, but is also a flashback of the memories with the feelings associated with each relived.

Having started to access to resin art in 2019, photography and resin art both give the Tangs a feeling of an instantaneous moment, a blend of various pigments and additives. It can be highly versatile which allows endless possibilities in different art forms and elements

In late 2019, Siuwan and her brother, Fabio Tang, established their own resin art studio, exploring its different possibilities. The Tangs have been using their own images, inspiring the distinctive ways of color combination and painting to create exquisite art pieces, with the observation of every trivial thing around us. Likewise, Photography is all about different stories behind us every day too. 


小雲於2013-2019曾擔任旅遊主持,旅遊過世界各地吸收各地⽂化,捕捉過好多美景照⽚,她認為攝影就好似凝結⼀個瞬間,同樣間好像時光倒流⼀樣帶你重遊舊 地。小雲於2019年接觸樹脂畫,樹脂流畫同攝影既共通點同時帶給她留下瞬間的感覺,凝固顏料既流動,⽽且樹脂可能性⼗分⾼,創作上可以結合很多元素。

在2019年尾小雲聯同弟弟Fabio Tang合作樹脂⼯作室,探索樹脂的可能。他們⼀直都以⾃⼰的照⽚,影象等去啟發⼤家採⽤的顏⾊創作,留意⽣活周圍的⼩細 節,像攝影⼀樣留意⽣活的⼩細節⼩故事,採⽤事物,⼤⾃然中的⾊彩再⽤樹脂演繹個⼈創作品。


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