Jessie Siu I 蕭靜知
Jessie Siu, a postgraduate in philosophy of the Chinese University of Hong Kong, is a self-taught painter. Siu started painting in 2016 and her early works showed a heavy influence of Taoist and Existentialist worldview. Since her encounter with Buddhism in 2018, Buddhist philosophy became a recurring theme for her work. Siu aims to translate the essence of Buddhist Wisdom into artistic language inspiring viewers to explore the truth of life and understand the infinity of the mind. Ultimately be liberated from the limitations of reality and attaining true freedom and happiness.
蕭靜知,香港中文大學哲學系文學碩士畢業,是一名自學的畫家 。2016年開始藝術創作, 用畫筆去演繹哲理。 2018年開始接觸佛學後,於創作上加入佛教思想。她認為藝術創作是一場修行。相信筆鋒遊走於虛實之間的糾纏,終可通達無限的真理實相。不受繪畫傳統規限,以風格多變創新的視覺語言去挑戰畫布平面與靜止的界限。以概念化的藝術創作方式去演繹佛法的人生智慧, 啟發大眾去探究生命的真相,認識心的無限。最終可以看見生命的本相,同登離苦得樂的彼岸。
Selected Exhibitions
2021 "The Sky Beyond the Clouds" Solo Exhibition, Lucie Chang Fine Art, Hong Kong
2021 "When The Bubble Bursts" Solo Exhibition, KC100 Art Space, Hong Kong
2019 "Asia Contemporary Art Show" Solo Exhibition, Hong Kong
2019 "Art Formosa" Solo Exhibition, Taipei
2019 "The Harbour Art Fair" Solo Exhibition, Hong Kong
2019 "Garfield 50 Asia Tour" Group Exhibition, The Elements, Hong Kong
2018 "The Journey of Love" Solo Exhibition, The Envoy, Hong Kong
2017 "Art Next", PMQ, Hong Kong
2016 "Wall of Fame" Solo Exhibition, Grand Cinema, Hong Kong
2016 "Be Water Be Flower" Debut Solo Exhibition, Artify Gallery, Hong Kong